Keeping your beard Audacious!

Life is good with a beard. Whether your whiskers are freshly born or faithful constant companions, maintaining your beard has never been so easy with the wonderful array of delectable products the Audacious Beard Co has to offer.

Keeping your manly whiskers in shape revolves around properly taking care of them. This meticulous guide will break down how to care for and maintain your beard. Let’s get audacious ….

Beard Oil

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Introduce high-quality beard oil into your daily routine, you’ll reap the rewards. With our splendid beard oils, you’ll experience all the benefits of moisturising, conditioning and strengthening your beard, whilst also taming unruly hairs and soothing your skin beneath. Our oils are hand blended and individually bottled using only the finest all-natural ingredients to leave your beard in glorious shape. Not forgetting that we add a pinch of audacity for good measure to ALL our oils.


How often should you apply beard oil?

The answer varies from person to person, whether you’re a discerning chap or a valiant fellow, whiskers come in different shapes and sizes and need to be cared for accordingly. You can use beard oil as much as you like or as much as your beard demands. Colossal beards may require 7 or 8 drops for complete coverage. Whereas smaller beards may only need 3 or 4.

Beard Balm

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Designed to enhance your beard’s natural oils and hydrate it right to the follicles, beard balms are a superb product to prevent dry skin or the infamous beardruff. By reducing inflammation, Beard balm helps to rejuvenate hair follicles, providing a better environment for healthy hair growth. If your hair is brittle or weak, treating it with our all natural  beard balm can help to restore its strength and shine. The Audacious beard balm helps lock in moisture, coating the hair shaft, preventing split ends, encouraging growth , keeping the beard healthy and looking magnificent.

Similar to our beard oils, with the addition of beeswax and shea butter. Beard Balms are a leave-in conditioner that combines both conditioning and styling properties. Since balms are a little bit heavier than a beard oil, they’ll keep your beard conditioned longer. A beard balm gives a little more hold because of the added beeswax, perfect for those ravishing rogues with unruly beards


What’s the difference between a beard oil and beard balm?

It’s purely down to preference, some of our audacious gents will use a mixture of both an oil and a balm. Some prefer one over the other.

How to apply our Audacious beard balm

Scrape the back of your thumb or fingernail across the balm, similar to using moustache wax but scooping out a bigger portion. Wipe this into the palm of your other hand and with your index finger and middle finger rub in a circular motion, with vigour. At first, there may be a gritty texture (this is the shea butter) and then after maybe 10 to 15 seconds, it will turn clear and smooth. This needs to be done with dry hands as any water will make it difficult to melt. Finally, massage into your beard and comb through.

Beard Butter

Handmade using the finest Cocoa butter, Shea butter, Apricot kernel, Grapeseed, Hemp and Castor oils fused with a blend of essential oils, our beard butters  condition and deeply nourish your whiskers, preventing and soothing itchiness, encouraging healthy beard growth and promoting healthy hair.

Beard butter doesn’t have the styling hold of a beard balm but will add more weight to your beard than an oil while also deeply moisturising and hydrating. It’s also a great face moisturiser!

Our Whipped beard butters contain no beeswax and, like our beard oils are suitable for vegans.

Beard Brushes and Combs


Owning a high-quality beard brush or comb is a must-have for any whisker wearer to ensure your beard stays in immaculate shape. Beard combs and brushes keep your whiskers tamed and softened, and ultimately – Audacious.

When using a beard comb: there is an art to combing your beard. Hold your beard comb so the teeth of the comb are pointing upwards. Using a relaxed grip, comb out your precious beard in an upward motion away from your face. This will separate your whiskers so you can say goodbye to that dreaded just got out of bed look

We couldn’t talk about beard combs and brushes and not mention our  Audacious Detangling Beard Brush, it’s not a run of the mill accessory. It’s perfect for detangling and maintaining your beard.



 You don’t necessarily have to use a beard brush more than once a day. Your beard is best brushed first thing in the morning or just after a shower. By brushing your whiskers first thing, you’ll loosen and brush out any dirt or dead skin cells from the previous day



Beard Shampoo


A beard shampoo offers unique benefits a standard shampoo cannot.


We created the Audacious Beard Shampoo bar especially for beards using a combination of high-fat content oils such as Avocado to produce a bar that gently cleanses while deeply conditioning your beard. It leaves the skin feeling amazingly refreshed, hydrated and is suitable for daily use.

How often should you wash your beard?

It varies. Lifestyle plays a huge factor. Those who brave the elements for work each day may choose to shampoo 4-5 times a week. Those amongst you who work in an office may choose to shampoo twice a week.

Always remember… Feed the beard and make it Audacious!

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